
Blog Post -#1

From what you’ve seen of the course so far and in the course outline, which of the assessment strategies in your reading this week are being used in this course?

The assessment strategies which has been used so far is taking a survey, reading the content, writing blogs, then evaluating blogs of your peers and creating projects for learning purpose.

Which are not being used?

The assessment strategies which has not been used yet are quizzes, midterm, interviews.

What learning theories (from Week 1) do these connect to?

The learning theories which i studied in module 1 are Behaviourists, Cognitivists and Constructivists. I think all of these learning theories connect to the assessment strategies used so far.

Behaviourists focus on reinforcement and feedback to develop habits in learners, as we will write blogs and do peer review every week, it will create habit in our learning which will be based on the feedbacks.

Cognitivists work with learners to help them uncover and use appropriate learning strategies while making connections to prior knowledge, as we will write the blogs every week and we will be able to connect our understanding of the concepts to our blogs which will help us in remembering the concepts for a long time. For the projects, we will uncover and use appropriate learning strategies based on the selected topic, which will help us connect new concepts to the project, reinforcing our understanding and retention.

Constructivists believe that learners make their own meaning and interpretations based on individual experiences and interactions. while writing the blogs or creating the projects we will be using our individual experiences to write and make the blog or project interactive, as we will review the blogs of our peers we will be doing interaction to their blogs.

Hence, the assessments strategies used so far connect to all the learning theories( Behaviourists, Cognitivists and Constructivists).

How does it compare to other courses you’ve taken in your studies? Be specific in your examples and the theories and strategies that you’re connecting to.

Most of my other course also uses the same assessments strategies like reading , survey, writing and reviewing but they also uses assessment strategies like presentation, quizzes, polls and midterms. These assessments strategies also relates to learning theories like in presentations, we receive feedback from peers and instructors, which improves our speaking skills, and connect what we are speaking to the course concepts( Behaviourists) . Quizzes and midterms requires us to retrieve and apply knowledge, which helps us in strengthening cognitive connections and improving our memory retention through repeated recall(Cognitivists). Presentations also allow us to express interpretation of concepts, creating a unique learning experience(Constructivists).

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