
Blog Post -#2

Experiential learning

Garate (2023) suggests that experiential learning is a formative process involving students physically, socially, intellectually, cognitively and emotionally in a concrete experience. Because they give students the chance to engage with the environment and, hopefully, derive meaning from the learning object, these learning experiences can aid in the development of skills, knowledge, behaviours, and values. Students can observe, understand, and control many circumstances through interaction with the environment, which helps them to contextualize the material covered in class.

Language learning via speaking is our topic for Learning Blueprint and it inherently aligns with experiential learning. Learning a new language requires practice in real time and active engagement, which makes it a perfect fit for experiential learning approaches. Experiencing activities like role-playing, creating speaking video, assessments and speaking with native speakers offer authentic settings that improve experience, confidence and language proficiency.

While Researching, I came across this YouTube video which explains that the experiential learning is the most natural and powerful learning method. It also says that experiential learning can also be used explicitly to learn a new skill( in our case, Language learning via speaking) or enhance what we are already doing.

Overall, by aligning experiential learning with learning language via speaking, we can create an engaging and effective learning environment.


Jess, M. (July 14-21, 2024).EDCI 335 module,University of Victoria.

Garate, M. (October 23, 2023). What is experiential learning and why is it crucial in today’s world? https://www.timeshighereducation.com/campus/what-experiential-learning-and-why-it-crucial-todays-world

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