
Blog Post-#3

Q) How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?

To ensure that the needs of all learners are met, my interactive learning resource will use principles of Universal Design for Learning(UDL)

  1. Multiple Means of Representation: Providing content in various formats such as text, audio, video.
  2. Multiple Means of Action or Expression: Allowing learners to demonstrate their understanding through diverse methods, could be written assignments, video presentations, interactive projects, and group discussions.
  3. Multiple Means of Engagement: Including interactive elements such as quizzes, discussions, and collaborative projects to keep learners engaged and motivated hence supporting learner self-efficacy.

Q) How can you adjust your planned learning activities to meet the needs of your learners if an unexpected event occurs? (for example, if a pandemic arises, and many of students must now work from home – how will you ensure that they can still learn successfully? What training will they need, and how will you deliver it, knowing they must remain at home?) This is a common discussion thread right now, as many schools and universities have made the switch to teaching online.

I will make following adjustments in my planned learning activities to meet the needs of my learners in case of an unexpected situation like a pandemic where students must work from home:

  1. Shifting all learning activities to online platforms such as Zoom or Google Classroom so that the learning remains continuous.
  2. Lecture recording, reading materials and assignments can be posted online on learning platform( like bright space) that can be accessed at any time, but with flexible deadline allowing learners to work at their own pace.
  3. Providing learners with virtual office hours, Q&A sessions, and small group discussions to maintain interaction and support.
  4. I can provide step-by-step instructions on how to use online learning platforms to learners and their family through video tutorials.

Q) Choose one (or more) of your planned learning activities from your Blueprint and identify any barriers to student success. How can you alter or adjust your current plan to reduce those barriers?

Blueprint topic: Learning English Through Listening and Speaking: Ordering at a Restaurant. I chose Interactive videos and Partner Practice from my blueprint.

Interactive Videos:

  1. Limited Access to Technology:
    • Barrier to student success: Learners may not have reliable access to a computer, internet connection, or devices to watch videos online.
    • Adjustment: We can provide offline alternatives such as downloadable video files or printed materials with similar content. We can provide wifi, computers or laptops with pre-loaded content to learners on loan.
  2. Language Proficiency:
    • Barrier to student success: Learners with different levels of English proficiency may find it difficult to understand and follow the videos and instructions.
    • Adjustment: We can include subtitles in the videos and provide transcripts for all videos.

Partner Practice:

  1. Time Zone Conflict:
    • Barrier to student success: Learners in different time zones may find it challenging to find a common time for partner practice.
    • Adjustment: Learners can just record their interactions and review each other’s recordings in their own learning/study time( if they are in different time zone). We can schedule the practice at a time which is best for both learners.
  2. Unequal Participation:
    • Barrier to student success: During partner practice one learner may dominate the conversation while other might be too shy or hesitant to participate actively.
    • Adjustment: We can draft clear guidelines for equal participation and provide structured turn-taking roles. We can also use a clock to ensure each learner gets equal speaking time.


Jess, M. (July 21-28, 2024).EDCI 335 module,University of Victoria.


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